In recent years, Krav Maga (what is Krav Maga?) has become a popular topic for many online forums, websites and Youtube channels. Consequently, finding good video tutorials can be a tedious endeavour, particularly for the layman.
So, whether you just want to get started with Krav Maga training, or you're already a passionate practitioner looking for more advanced techniques, here is my selection: the five best Youtube channels I've found and followed over the years.
If only 5 could be bookmarked, these would be the must-haves.
Disclaimer: this is not a ranking but simply a list of the most useful online resources I've found so far.>
== Watching videos cannot replace proper training! ==
#1 - Kevin Mack Krav Maga

Imi Lichtenfeld => Alan Feldman => Kevin Mack
Youtube channel:
Atlantic Krav Maga was founded in 1981 in Philadelphia, by local instructor Alan Feldman who had trained in Israel under Imre (Imi) Lichtenfeld. Kevin Mack, the actual head-instructor, is a black-belt under Alan Feldman.
With a large sample of techniques and regular new posts, Kmxbox' Youtube channel is a great place to learn classic Krav Maga. Although sometimes a bit lengthy, videos are clear with a great deal of informative details.
#2 - Krav Maga Worldwide
Affiliation: Israeli Krav Maga Association (IKMA)
Lineage: Imi Lichtenfeld => Darren Levine
Youtube channel:
Krav Maga Worldwide was created in 1999 to help spread Krav Maga training across the United States and around the globe. The founder of Krav Maga Worldwide, Darren Levine, is a 6th degree black belt under Imi Lichtenfeld and recipient of a Founder's Diploma from the father of Krav Maga himself.
KMW produces good quality videos which they keep short (mostly under 3min) and to the point. They infuse their videos with a wacky but refreshing sense of humour but explanations are clear with sensible tips. Overall, it's a good sample of Krav Maga techniques which are well suited for a civilian context.
#3 - Krav Maga Training Italy
Affiliation: International Krav Maga Institute (IKMI)
Lineage: ?
Youtube channel:
Krav Maga Training Italy's Youtube channel offers a good sample of fighting techniques with informative and detailed explanations.
On top of the general quality of the videos (with English subtitles), we greatly appreciate that a number of tutorials uses CCTV and phone footages of street fights to illustrate their points.
#4 - Kalah Combat System - Idan Abolnik
Affiliation: Independent
Lineage: Imi Lichtenfeld => Eli Avikzar => Boaz Aviram => ? (IDF curriculum)
Youtube channel:
Website: (n.a.)
If you want rough, tough, military-style, no bullshit techniques, Idan Abolnik's Youtube channel is THE place.
With his extensive experience as soldier in the Golani Unit (and then as an operative with the firm Golani Israeli Security Specialists), South Africa based Idan Abolnik logically puts lots of emphasis on weapons (knifes and guns).
The guy stands so strongly behind his system that he demonstrated some guns-disarm techniques with live rounds! Don't try that at home though.
The original channel has been discontinued (last post was in April 2013) but Abolnik started another channel. Video material is also published on Idan Abolnik's Facebook page.
Don't expect sleek, studio/professionally -made educational tutorials there; we're talking about raw training footages here.
Who cares though, techniques are some of the best I've seen around and the guy clearly knows what he is talking about. Additionally, the sheer number of videos makes for the rough edges.
#5 - Urban Krav Maga (UKM) – Stewart McGill
Affiliation: Independent - British Combat Association
Lineage: Imi Lichtenfeld => Eyal Yanilov => Stewart McGill
Youtube channel:
Urban Krav Maga draws on the experience of Stewart McGill and his team across a range of martial arts and their application.
The system was designed to incorporate the best of those arts and that experience. It is based around the attacks that actually happened to people in a civilian context (namely Western Europe) according to Police reports and responds to issues raised by students by looking to tailor solutions that worked for different people.
It emphasize leverage and covers what to do if attacked by a bigger opponent for both men and women and thus relies less on punching power than other systems.
The addition of Leo Negao (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black belt under Fábio Gurgel and multiple BJJ world champion, renowned Vale Tudo and MMA fighter) to Stewart McGill's team, has led to a highly enhanced ground-fighting game, making Urban Krav Maga one of the best all-around systems out there.
Although the number of videos on the Urban Krav Maga's Youtube channel does not match that of other channels in this selection, the videos are good with clear and detailed explanations. We can only wish there were more videos. You'll find most videos on their Facebook page.
More recently, the Urban Krav Maga team has set up a video course on The course is all about giving people the knowledge they need to defend themselves against the most common street attacks with a series of detailed instructional videos. Fifteen lectures over an hour. Good material.
#6 - Krav Maga West – Harj Sohal
Affiliation: International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF)
Lineage: Imi Lichtenfeld => Avi Moyal
Youtube channel:
There is a lot to like in this one year old channel (as of 25/10/2022). It is certainly due to Sohal experience with a wide variety of systems from Filipino Martial Arts to Urban Combatives under Lee Morrison.
Explanations are clear and I like the no-nonsense approach. Keep an eye on this promising channel as more videos will be posted.
Want to Learn more about Krav Maga?
Read some of our articles on Krav Maga
- What is Krav Maga ?: an overview of Krav Maga.
- The History of Krav Maga: discusses the origins and historical development of Krav Maga, including its predecessor, Kapap.
- Krav Maga Organisations: discusses the many Krav Maga organisations worldwide.
- Krav Maga Principles: covers the philosophy and principles of Krav Maga.
- What is Urban Krav Maga?: Discusses the origins and development of a breakaway Krav Maga organisation in the UK.
- Krav Maga Grading and Belt System: explains the grading and belt systems of various Krav Maga organisations.
- Krav Maga: The Ultimate Fitness WorkoutThe article discusses the intersection of Krav Maga and fitness, addressing common questions about its effectiveness for physical conditioning.
#kravmaga #Top5resources
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